St. Patrick Church Parish Center


Mystic, Connecticut


Doyle Coffin Architects Cherenzia & Associates


Renderings by Doyle Coffin Architects

Landscape Narrative

The landscape concept for the subject project will support the Parish Center referenced in the architectural narrative and contribute to the pedestrian experience along East Main Street and Church Street in historic downtown Mystic. 

The entryway enhancements facing East Main Street include a plaza for community gathering that connects the Church and landscaped churchyard to the east with the new building entrance. Planting concept mimics the plant palette found in the churchyard which includes flowering trees, spring bulbs, low maintenances grasses and hydrangea.

The site plan maintains the Shamrock House landscaping to the west of the new building which includes a well-established evergreen buffer along the property line as well as mature deciduous trees. In addition, a 6’ tall privacy fence is proposed to further buffer the adjacent residential properties and provide appropriate delineation. The fence will run along the property line to Church Street and all new plant material will be 6’ minimum height at time of planting.

The Church St enhancements will include coordination with the Town of Stonington Tree Warden to replace the street tree along Church Street. In addition, trees selected from the Town’s recommended street tree list are proposed on the Parish property to create a welcoming pedestrian experience. Existing curb cuts are maintained in the same locations for driveway access and parking off Church street and an enclosed refuse area is located within the appropriate setback. 

Pedestrian circulation around the site includes an ADA ramp from existing parking areas as well as pathways around the building connecting to the terrace and front & rear entries. All trees to remain are identified on the plans and will require tree protection during construction.